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Canadian Bank Rant Forum

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Canadian Bank Rant Forum
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To everything .... turn, turn, turn. An Announcement...

Dear Crew, friends and mates...

This was a decision that didn't come easily, in fact, Neo and I have been discussing this for over a year.

Our little site has been up and running for almost 5 years and as with all things in life, seasons change and it's time to move on.

Neo and I have discussed several times in the past, whether or not to close these forums. There are a wide variety of reasons for this, the main one being that neither of us simply have the time to monitor them anymore.

I have veered off into a completely new direction in my life and have been woefully absent for several months, leaving the burden of the site solely in Neo's hands.

She has done such an incredibly wonderful job with the care and construction of this website and we have always received such rave reviews about it's style and content, that the POTCIP site, itself, will remain up -- hopefully for many years to come.

The forums are something though, that we just don't have the time to keep on top of any longer.

In actuality, we probably would have closed them down a long time ago, but several of the fine ladies on these boards requested that we not do that. We acquiesed to their request, sometimes with a bit of hesitation on our parts to do so.

Neo and I are very good friends and I anticipate we will be for many years to come. I hope we can include all of you in our list of friends, who, although we may not keep in touch
on a regular basis through these boards, it's nice to know that we're all still there for each other.

We owe these years of friendship and comraderie to a certain pirate, who doesn't need to be named and whose inspiration to focus on that horizon has brought some amazing experiences into our lives.

We will be closing the forums in the next couple of days, but we wanted to give everyone an opportunity to say their goodbyes and to reminisce before we do so.

Thanks ladies for the memories, for the fun and for the laughs.

This isn't "goodbye"'s "Now show me that horizon. Drink up me 'earties, Yo Ho!"

Laura and Neo

Location: In Dreamland