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Canadian Bank Rant Forum
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Okay, I am just going to SPILL IT NOW

I have emailed Neo and I know she hasn't had a chance to answer yet, but am just going to spill my idea.

MySpace is an idea, I know you have the best intentions and to keep everyone together.

Here is my idea:

I am willing to start up a messageboard for us so we can still be zany, still keep in touch with each other, and talk on a board. It won't be as beautiful as this one, but it will serve the purpose of keeping us together and connected.

I JUST CAN'T LOSE YOU ALL!!!! It's been since 2003! I just CAN'T!

So, give Neo a chance to get back to me on it. It isn't that I don't know how...but I want to wait on her thoughts.

Location: here

Re: Okay, I am just going to SPILL IT NOW

Nice one! If you're sure you have time?

I'm happy to do a temporary myspace so we can keep in touch while you get things sorted - and I'm happy to help with your idea in any way - help moderate or anything?

We're all just so bereft we have to keep something going!

But for now I'm going to BED - its 3 a.m here in London .... but going to bed MUCH MUCH happier!!!!

Location: Between Jack and Jes & coming up with an idea

Re: Re: Okay, I am just going to SPILL IT NOW

My goodness, 3 AM??? Sweet dreams!

Location: here

Re: Re: Re: Okay, I am just going to SPILL IT NOW

it is now 10.30 a m and didn't get a lot of sleep in between. Too upset at losing this site!

Location: Between Jack and Jes & coming up with an idea