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Canadian Bank Rant Forum

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Canadian Bank Rant Forum
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Not a lot of time...(what else is new?)

I've just read through all of your posts since yesterday and I am really touched by all of your messages.

Trust me when I say that the decision to close the forums didn't come easily, which is why Neo and I took over a year to decide to do so.

I thought of the same thing that Nan has. You can open a private little forum on Bravenet or myspace or yahoo. I don't know too much about the last two, but I'm pretty sure you can get one together on Bravenet without any cost. You just have to put up with the ads that will appear at the top of the page.

I will have one final post to make before the forums are shut down. Hopefully tonight I'll get something up and then I'm thinking Sunday will be "the" day.

I'm sorry that this has upset all of you...I knew it wasn't going to be painless.

We will keep in touch.

Location: In Dreamland


To echo Laura, I'm also sorry for causing upset with our decision.

But this isn't the end, you know. Obviously many here have formed deep ties, and those won't end because a certain jumble of pixels will no longer appear when you click a certain URL.

I've been involved in online communities for over 15 years now and I have friends, good friends, from forums and elists that dissolved over a decade ago.

It ain't the forum, folks - the community is you. Don't worry, you'll surprise yourselves.