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Canadian Bank Rant Forum
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A little levity to break up the sadness

I got to wondering....

Johnny is in a different "place" in his life these days, much different than the state of mind he had during the 21 JUMP STREET years.

So now that Judd Apatow and Jonah Hill are collaborating on a send-up of 21 JUMP STREET, I was wondering to myself if Johnny might do his own kind of send-up in a cameo? I don't know that he would, it kind of depends on if he's asked and if he's on friendly terms with the Apatow team. But I bet I won't be the only fan with that idea. Maybe he'd want to do Frederick Forrest's part? Or get stopped by one of the young cops for a traffic violation?

What do you think? If you could write a cameo for Johnny, what would it be?

Location: Orlando

I know you won't believe this, but.........

I've never seen 21 Jump Street. So I have no idea what his part was like, or what kind of send-up would be good.

Location: The Zoo aka Ark

Me, too, Alyx

I've never seen the show. Really, I never was a Johnny Depp fan until he took on Jack Sparrow.

Okay, well, a really crazy thought popped into my mind....

How 'bout he plays the HS principal?

Location: In the are we all....