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Canadian Bank Rant Forum

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Canadian Bank Rant Forum
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And so to bed....

The Faithful Bride is now officially closed. You can still read the messages, but you can no longer add new posts.

I'd like to thank Neo, from the bottom of my heart, for her unwaivering dedication to this site. Without her amazing wealth of knowledge and experience, we would never have gotten this little site off the ground in the first place. We owe this all to her.

Thank you dear friend, for your level-headedness, common sense and understanding in helping this internet newbie realize a dream she had. It was your savviness in the industry that kept us in the good graces of the 'powers'. You are a treasure and one of the most unique (sorry mate, I couldn't resist) women I've ever had the pleasure to know.

And to the dedicated crew of the Interactive Pearl, you are the best. You provided so much laughter and comfort to the other mates and you so OFTEN generously opened not only your hearts, but your wallets as well, to help when someone was in need.

I don't mean to single one person out, but if it was put to a vote, I'm sure we'd all agree that if there was one person who could always be counted on for her unbelievably intelligent humour ... it was our precious CWO Jansysparrow. She's been here since day one, giving us daily doses of her treasured style of writing and wit.

To Red, may you stay strong and healthy. We'll always keep you in our prayers.

To Div, thank you for your helpful guidance on so many, spritual, etc. I know sometimes you felt no one was paying attention, but I know that many of us were. You were a valuable asset to this board.

To the rest of you original crewmates...Lanie, Beck, Gretchen, Fran, Kate, Vampirate, Tori, Francoise, JP (oh boy, it's early and I know I'm going to miss someone, so forgive me)...thank you also for helping to pull this together and turn this into so many wonderful memories.

For the rest of the crew who came aboard later on...(I don't want to miss anyone, so I'm not going to list you...we all know who you are), thank you for stopping by and saying hi and then becoming such an integral part of this site.

It's been a laugh. You're all fantastic. See you over on Nan's new board.

Now show me that horizon!


Location: Heading off to my horizon