The Lt. Columbo Forum

An area where fans from all over can ask each other questions and voice their own ideas and opinions on anything Columbo.

This Forum is fondly dedicated in memory of  "cassavetes45"  (Carleen Zink),
Columbo's greatest fan and a great friend to us all.
The Lt. Columbo Forum
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Lovely but Lethal background cast - by Irene DiMilo - Aug 1, 2014 6:30pm
Re: Lovely but Lethal background cast - by David - Aug 3, 2014 5:04am
mansions - by Larry Romer - Aug 1, 2014 1:58am
Re: mansions - by Ed - Aug 1, 2014 4:00pm
Re: mansions - by Mitch - Aug 6, 2014 9:59pm
Re: mansions - by ghera - Apr 3, 2017 10:02am
Carol Jones - by Simon Templar - Jul 29, 2014 11:50pm
Re: Carol Jones - by David - Jul 30, 2014 3:32am
Secretaries! - by Clay Gardner - Jul 28, 2014 2:32am
Re: Secretaries! - by Grant - Jul 28, 2014 3:08am
Re: Secretaries! - by mark - Jul 29, 2014 1:13am
Re: Secretaries! - by Grant - Jul 29, 2014 1:39am
Re: Secretaries! - by Clay Gardner - Jul 30, 2014 1:30am
Re: Secretaries! - by Grant - Jul 30, 2014 1:36pm
Re: Secretaries! - by David C - Aug 20, 2014 9:26pm
Re: Secretaries! - by Grant - Aug 25, 2014 2:09am
Re: Secretaries! - by Clay Gardner - Aug 27, 2014 1:37am
Ken Franklin's Cabin - Murder By The Book - by Rob - Jul 26, 2014 5:06pm
Now You See Him - by Rob - Jul 25, 2014 7:12pm
Re: Now You See Him - by Irene DiMilo - Jul 26, 2014 1:36am
Re: Now You See Him - by Ed - Jul 26, 2014 5:44pm
Re: Now You See Him - by Ed - Jul 26, 2014 5:44pm
Re: Now You See Him - by Marty - Jul 29, 2014 1:01pm
Dancing in Columbo episodes - by Irene DiMilo - Jul 25, 2014 6:08am
Re: Dancing in Columbo episodes - by David deVries - Jul 26, 2014 6:44am
Re: Dancing in Columbo episodes - by Ed - Jul 26, 2014 5:47pm