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Write to your Congressman, Senators, etc.
With the exception of volunteer work, anyone up to working a job for no pay? Well, looks like that may be the case unless your a politico. I wonder what would happen if all the military forces just decided "No Pay, No Work" The time has come to take back the governme...
Views: 511   Replies: 2
Last Post: Apr 08, 2011
by T Bevins
Retirees will get their checks in the event of a shutdown of government.
This is an excerpt from something I received this morning. I hope it is true. I am still trying to verify the link.... IMMEDIATE RELEASE No. 282-11 April 07, 2011 Deputy Secretary of Defense William J. Lynn III Message to DOD Workforce on Potential Government...
Views: 423   Replies: 2
Last Post: Apr 08, 2011
by Dave Bailey
Response from Sen Jim Webb (D-VA) regarding Cold War Medal Service Act request
Thought you would be interested in Senator Webb's response to my letter of 28 January, 2011. Jim Donovan CAPT USN (Ret) Director, IUSSCAA *************** 29 March, 2011 Dear CAPT Donovan: Thank you for contacting my office regarding the Cold W...
Views: 598   Replies: 1
Last Post: Apr 06, 2011
by Brett Beedles
Gary Clarke
For those of you that know Gary Clarke he has recently been diagnosed with cancer. Below is an email that was forwarded to me about his situation. Rick ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Friends and Family, Gary is home from surgery and resting. I'd like...
Views: 1047   Replies: 16
Last Post: Apr 06, 2011
by Rick Greatting
Early photos from Argenia
Jim' Did my photos arrive safely? Thanks JEC
Views: 525   Replies: 1
Last Post: Apr 06, 2011
by Jim Donovan
Possiblity of no retirement checks OR social security checks May 18th
This link indicates that unless the congress raises the debt ceiling, we may not be paid at all, nor will SS recipients get their checks. this is regardless of the current continuing resolution to keep the government going or to shut it down. This is a different crisis.
Views: 391   Replies: 0
Last Post: Apr 06, 2011
by Hal Cook, OTACS,...
New photos in FSS Key West folder
I posted 14 new pictures from a recent visit to Key West in the photo album. You can find them on the last page (#4) in the FSS Key West folder under the "Photo" tab on this website's main page. - Jim
Views: 481   Replies: 5
Last Post: Apr 06, 2011
by Jim Donovan
Bill James Passed way 26 Jan 2011
For those that remember Bill James, I regret to post that he has just recently passed away. i have no details...just this from the Pilot: William Matthew James VIRGINIA BEACH - William Matthew James, 55, passed away peacefully Jan. 26, 2011. He was predeceased by...
Views: 660   Replies: 2
Last Post: Apr 05, 2011
by mike pizana
I've had enough of this!
Dear All... I went through the in memorium pages on the site, and counted 20 people that I worked for or with on it, and an awful lot more that I knew....Enough is enough. From now on, nobody is allowed to check out ( this includes you Gary) without a fully c...
Views: 717   Replies: 3
Last Post: Apr 04, 2011
by Rick Matthews
The price of gas is BS
Not new news but explained in an understandable way. Check out this article, it explains just why the common family is biting the bullet for Wall Street Futures Traders. On a A second note, don't forget the COLA formula does not include increases for fuel or food...
Views: 543   Replies: 9
Last Post: Apr 04, 2011
by Rick Matthews
Prayer Request
My father retired CTOCM Julian (Tony) Hart is gravely ill. He has 4 daughters, when I was born (the 2nd one) he decided to add 2 letters to his name...making me Julianne Hart, his namesake. He inspired me to join the Navy, so I am reaching out to my shipmates please...
Views: 579   Replies: 7
Last Post: Apr 01, 2011
by Jim Wheeler
Retired military pay and Concurrent receipt of disability
If there are any of you out there who are currently rated at 40% disability and have your retirement check reduced by the amount of the disability pay this link may be of interest to you. It has the option of telling your senators how you would like them to vote on t...
Views: 616   Replies: 9
Last Post: Mar 30, 2011
by Tim Wenzel
DoD Decals no longer required on Naval/USMC installations
Views: 2409   Replies: 14
Last Post: Mar 28, 2011
by Richard Le Sesne
It Is Really a Very Small World - Really!!!!
Two weeks ago I was underway in the Caribbean on a 14-day cruise through the Panama Canal. On our second day at sea, the diesel-electric propulsion system was propelling our ship in a southeasterly heading, off the northern coast of Cuba enroute to Aruba. Peggy a...
Views: 846   Replies: 15
Last Post: Mar 26, 2011
by Nick VanHerpen
NAVFAC Antigua
Can someone please tell me where NAVFAC Antigua is/was on the island. Traveling there next month and would like to take a look. thanks OTACK
Views: 763   Replies: 7
Last Post: Mar 26, 2011
by Dan Mielke
Nacfac Centerville to be torn down
The June 11, 2009 issue of The Ferndale Enterprise reports that the Navy will start demolution of the buildings. The clean-up will cost $9.4 million - BLM ownes the site and it will become part of its Lost Coast Headlands project. All that will remain is the parking...
Views: 922   Replies: 18
Last Post: Mar 25, 2011
by Dan Mielke
NAVFAC Midway Alums
The Tsunami really did a job on the birds on Sand and Eastern islands. See link
Views: 746   Replies: 14
Last Post: Mar 20, 2011
by Jim Donovan
New Hope In Japan
The world owes these brave men and women a giant debt of gratitude. The definition of heroism is exceptional or heroic courage to act when facing mortal danger. These men and women (2) should be recognized by the world community. With a little luck and more hard wor...
Views: 483   Replies: 1
Last Post: Mar 18, 2011
by Hal Cook, OTACS,...
San Luis Obispo "The Tribune"
Check out this article I found in this web site: http://www.sanluisobispo.com/2011/03/17/1524998/slo-firefighters-red-cross-to.html "Highway 1 closed in Big Sur" Chuck
Views: 552   Replies: 1
Last Post: Mar 18, 2011
by Irv (Dee) DeMatt...
Ex-Rad, the U.S. Military's Radiation Wonder Drug
"In what has to be one of the greatest accomplishments in the history of military medicine, the U. S. military has developed a radiation protection drug known as Ex-Rad that can give protection through DNA repair against otherwise lethal dosages of radiation. Ex-Rad,...
Views: 375   Replies: 0
Last Post: Mar 17, 2011
by Rick Matthews
As Expected: Worst Case Nuclear Emergency in Japan
All four reactors melting, containments breached, and the wind has shifted to the southwest toward Tokyo. I feel so sorry for the Japanese people. They need our prayers and all the help the world can provide. Where is that Big Horse China these days?
Views: 479   Replies: 6
Last Post: Mar 17, 2011
by Rick Matthews
Work Pay Tax "One More Time"
Just another reason for a VAT or Flat rate Tax and delete the IRS. I received the following after writing to a Florida Senator, Dear Mr. Cable: "Thank you for contacting me regarding the expiration of the Making Work Pay tax credit, which was enacted in...
Views: 464   Replies: 3
Last Post: Mar 14, 2011
by Marshall Pittman
Any news from the south coast of Hokkaido?
Had the opportunity to visit there and still have some friends in the region. Anyone have any news from that area?
Views: 587   Replies: 6
Last Post: Mar 14, 2011
by Jane Wright
Update on U.S. Military Support to the Government of Japan
by U.S. Pacific Fleet on Saturday, March 12, 2011 at 3:14pm The aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan (CVN 76) arrived on station off the coast of Japan March 12 at approximately 1 p.m. eastern. Currently in the vicinity of Honshu, Ronald Reagan will continue to oper...
Views: 464   Replies: 2
Last Post: Mar 14, 2011
by Dave Annis
SPAWAR UPDATE: Japan Earthquake and Associated Tsunami
Subject: Japan Earthquake and Associated Tsunami Folks, I wanted to take a moment to provide you an update on the Earthquake and Associated Tsunami in Japan. Most importantly, ourthoughts and prayers go out to our close friends in Japan during this difficul...
Views: 547   Replies: 4
Last Post: Mar 12, 2011
by Rick Matthews
Great Earthquake (8.9) In Japan!
Our thoughts and prayers are with the Japanese people and our American military friends during this time of great tribulation. No doubt thousands will be lost. Our friends on Guam, Midway, Hawaii, Alaska, and the west cost are also in our prayers. Incredible destruc...
Views: 409   Replies: 0
Last Post: Mar 11, 2011
by Rick Matthews
New Tax Tables fully explained by DFAS
Seems we did get a tax hike after all... even if we made less than $250K. Read my lips..a promise broken is an election lost. Ask G.H.W. Bush. 2011 Tax Table Changes We've received a lot of inquiries from retirees about recent changes to the tax law. S...
Views: 503   Replies: 2
Last Post: Mar 10, 2011
by Hal Cook, OTACS,...
Navy Hails Bill Cosby as Honorary Chief Petty Officer
I had no idea Bill Cosby was a Hospital Corpsman at Argentia in the later 1950s. - Jim Navy Hails Cosby as Honorary Chief Petty Officer By Navy Chief Petty Officer Sonya Ansarov Office of the Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy WASHINGTON, Feb. 18,...
Views: 595   Replies: 12
Last Post: Mar 10, 2011
by Marshall Pittman
Submarine ASW History
Facts, figures, numbers, and us. Hmmm!
Views: 572   Replies: 2
Last Post: Mar 08, 2011
by Hal Cook, OTACS,...
Everybody hertz: The heartbroken whale who sings so low that no-one else can hear
And interesting article about tracking a whale. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1361873/Everybody-hertz-The-heartbroken-whale-sings-low-hear.html?ito=feeds-newsxml Rick
Views: 628   Replies: 3
Last Post: Mar 06, 2011
by Rick Greatting
Time flies
I'm not sure how it happened so quickly, but I turned 60 today. I didn't really mind that much and having 6 of my 7 grandkids sing happy birthday to me more than compensated for it! (#7 is only 6 weeks old but he was there anyway) :) I'm actually making this post to...
Views: 784   Replies: 27
Last Post: Mar 05, 2011
by Rick Matthews
German Stealthy Sub - With Hydrogen Fuel Cells
It's been a long time since I was in the System - OWO at Argentia and Nantucket in the 1968 thru 1971 time frame. As an Electrical Engineer I know that the technology has improved a lot over the years; however, I have to think that this German Sub with Hydrogen Fuel...
Views: 564   Replies: 4
Last Post: Mar 05, 2011
by Rick Matthews
CUS Commodore - CAPT Scotth Rauch, USN
Greetings, all. I had the opportunity to call on the current CUS Commodore, CAPT Scott Rauch, USN this morning. Commodore Rauch assumed Command of the Dam Neck headquarters and global organization in October of last year. He has had a very impressive career and br...
Views: 933   Replies: 3
Last Post: Mar 04, 2011
by Terry VanderHoev...
Video: USS Seadragon Under the Ice - 1962
CAPT John Byron, USN (Ret) a.k.a "Rubber Ducky" provided link to this 15 min video clip that outlines the deployment under the ice cap by USS Seadragon in 1962. I thought many of you would find it interesting - note the beards and casual cigarrette smoking. "Se...
Views: 651   Replies: 13
Last Post: Feb 21, 2011
by Irv (Dee) DeMatt...
Question for Director
Jim - maybe it is just me, but it is somewhat frustrating when reading a post and the contributor has a "signing name" - that does not identify who the person is. I read with quite some interest - recent post by Jane Wright concerning current condition of NavFac Pt...
Views: 680   Replies: 12
Last Post: Feb 21, 2011
by Jim Donovan
The P-8A Poseidon ~ The Future of Maritime Patrol and Reconnaissance Aircraft
Thought you would enjoy this news release. - Jim "Poseidon represents the centerpiece of the Maritime Patrol and Reconnaissance Force. Make no mistake, P-8A is a game changer that will help ensure the United States Navy remains the preeminent maritime force in th...
Views: 494   Replies: 1
Last Post: Feb 21, 2011
by Rubber Ducky
Loss of income due ti an increase in FED tax
I bet I am not alone???? 24-26% tax increase, but we just extended the "TAX CUTS" so this would not happen, right??? I guess we didn't tell Civil Service or Military Pay Masters??? Chuck
Views: 626   Replies: 16
Last Post: Feb 17, 2011
by George Janacek
33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42