I, like everyone else, want to recommend Turkey to you. I myself bought a house in Alanya and I often go there on vacation. And the rest of the time I rent it out. By the way, if you want to live there, then choose real estate from $250,000 and more expensive. This will give you the right to get a Turkish passport. You can find out prices for real estate and consult here https://hayatestate.com/en/katalog/f/currencies__eur/operations__prodazha/locations__alaniya,turtsiya/sort__new/types__kvartiry Good luck to you!
If you really want to live aboard then you choose Alanya because the town of Alanya is one of the most charming and beautiful place. It has the mildest climate in Turkey. There is beautiful sea and the beach. The excellent access to the sea made Alanya a popular international resort.