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first time mum and feeling a failure

well the title sums it up really. i had a very traumatic pregnancy, which was first misdiagnosed as an ovarian cyst. i had spd and early onset braxton hicks. i was also admitted several times for bad cramps, which the hospital couldnt seem to diagnose. in the end i transferred hospitals (in the 38th week) and they found i was suffering from a long term urinary infection which the first hospital hadnt treated.

the second hsopital induced my labour so they could treat the infection agressively, and after an emergency c section, due to fetal heart distress and blood pressure spikes, my daughter was born. then i failed to breastfeed her due to breast surgery several years ago. having got her on formula once we got home, the first week was okay, gradually getting worse. now in the 3rd week, i find she has colic, which explains the 45 minute sleep bouts, the constant crying, the wanting to be held constantly.

trouble is, i am still recovering from anaemia and the c section and im exhausted. i am cryinbg all the time and have offered to leave my husband so he can get a decent mother for ellie on several occasions. i finally cracked tonight and phoned social services asking them to take my baby away. they are sending the doctor around to get me treatment for PND. social services have actually been great. lets hope this doctor can help.

Re: first time mum and feeling a failure

Dear Dawn

Your story is awful, how are you feeling now? You sounded very desperate, kinda been there a long time ago. I wish you well.


Re: first time mum and feeling a failure

hi dear,
hang in there. my doctor helped me lots when I had my psychotic episode when my 1st child was 2.5 yrs old. I didn't know what I was doing...just kept driving and driving. I felt like leaving my home or asking for someone to take care of my kids cuz I just can't do it. Pls hang in there. My meds worked after 6 weeks and I feel good again, so hang on and email me anytime!