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Submarine Support Facility in the Russian High Arctic?

Although Russia has made some noise about "returning" their strategic submarine assets (SSBNs) to patrolling in the southern hemisphere, that concept doesn't make much sense in terms of their ability to protect those assets with "on-call" capabiliities in proximity to patrol areas south of the equator.

The linked site discusses resurrecting a Soviet-era base on Kotelny Island (75°20′N 141°00′E), one of the New Siberian Islands on the border between the Laptev Sea and the East Siberian Sea. Improvements to include an air-strip, living facilities and a harbor. Someone should look at the length of the strip and try to assess the depth of the harbor as well as the capacity of the housing area.

Such an alternate support facility would reduce the vulnerability of SSBNs deploying from Russian Northern Fleet bases where access to the Barents Sea and areas beyond is subject to intercept by Western assets.
