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A Footnote to “A Suggestion for IUSS/ONI” Posted 10 Apr 16

While doing research for WHY THE USS SCORPION (SSN 589) WAS LOST, published in Oct 2011, I encountered – from an obscure source - what I have called “ancillary” information which - although it could not be usefully applied to analysis of the SCORPION acoustic data - I thought had potential future value; hence, I included it in Section VII of Chapter TWO of the book.

The time of potential utility for that information has arrived.

The information quantifies what could be termed the temporal “decay” rate of successive cycles of bubble-pulse oscillations.

What these data say is that if you are attempting to identify temporal asymmetries in the duration of the compression-expansion cycle of a bubble-pulse, measure only the first cycle.

As described in the 10 Apr posting, application of this analysis techique has the potential to discriminate between collapse events and explosive events, a long and - so far as I know - still unsuccessfully sought advance in exploitation of acoustic data.

Were I still at ONI, I would consider this my number one analysis priority and not just because it would be a “neat” thing to accomplish.
