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Re: Another passing

Sorry to learn of the loss of your Barry, never stationed with him but had heard his name mentioned in high regard. R.I.P. Barry.

Re: Another passing

Linda and I send our Love and Condolences to you during your time of sorrow. As we talked some years ago we knew Barry was not doing well.
Barry was a honest, wonderful person, and a great Chief. I never seen him become even a little unglued. Some might think he didn't care but he cared deeply about the things he loved, you Dawn, his Job, the Navy, and his Anchors. He and I had numerous discussions while on the ORI Team. He was respected by every member of the ORI Team.
RIP Shipmate,
Chuck & Linda Cable

Re: Another passing


Thank you. I remember one time the ORI team was out on an inspection I received a call at work from someone in Arg, don't remember the person's name, but he called to complain that Barry had failed the training section!! I just had to laugh.

Thanks for the memories.


Re: Another passing

Such sad news to hear of Barry's passing. Joan and I want to express our sincere condolences and wish you God's peace as you deal with this. Our time stationed together were some of our best Navy memories. Barry was a heck of a fine guy, and will always live in our memory as one of the best. He has gone ahead to prepare a place for us all. Let us know if there is anything we can help you with.
Rick and Joan

Re: Another passing

Thank you Rick. The last couple of years is played pinochle twice a week at the senior center, something he always like to do. He said it reminded him of his time in the Navy.

Re: Another passing

Barry was my instructor at "A" school in Key West. A great instructor who was also generous with the early Friday afternoon recesses. Heartfelt condolences to his family and friends.
