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Re: Another passing


Thank you. Barry never told me about that event, not surprising. Thank you for sharing. He did consider you a very good friend. When speaking of the old days your name always came up.


Re: Another passing

So sorry for your loss. Barry and I were on the ORI team together. He and Chuck Cable were my sponsors for my CPO initiation. John said it well, he was an easy going guy who made things happen but didn't seek recognition. He joins a long list of great guys and gays from the system too soon.

My thoughts and prayers are with you at this difficult time.

Re: Another passing


I do remember you from his ORI days.


Re: Another passing

Dawn, I am so sorry to hear about Barry. I didn't have the pleasure of knowing him real well but his excellent reputation speaks for itself. May your family find strength and peaceful closure in the difficult days ahead.

Re: Another passing

Know that all of us are with you and your family at this very difficult time. May your memories of happier times help ease your pain. Always, Ed Smock

Re: Another passing

Sorry to hear of Barry's passing. With out a doubt one of the nicest people I met while in the Navy. His watch section relieved ours while we were at NavFac Coos Head in 1970.

Re: Another passing

Sorry to learn of the loss of your Barry, never stationed with him but had heard his name mentioned in high regard. R.I.P. Barry.

Re: Another passing

Linda and I send our Love and Condolences to you during your time of sorrow. As we talked some years ago we knew Barry was not doing well.
Barry was a honest, wonderful person, and a great Chief. I never seen him become even a little unglued. Some might think he didn't care but he cared deeply about the things he loved, you Dawn, his Job, the Navy, and his Anchors. He and I had numerous discussions while on the ORI Team. He was respected by every member of the ORI Team.
RIP Shipmate,
Chuck & Linda Cable

Re: Another passing


Thank you. I remember one time the ORI team was out on an inspection I received a call at work from someone in Arg, don't remember the person's name, but he called to complain that Barry had failed the training section!! I just had to laugh.

Thanks for the memories.


Re: Another passing

Such sad news to hear of Barry's passing. Joan and I want to express our sincere condolences and wish you God's peace as you deal with this. Our time stationed together were some of our best Navy memories. Barry was a heck of a fine guy, and will always live in our memory as one of the best. He has gone ahead to prepare a place for us all. Let us know if there is anything we can help you with.
Rick and Joan

Re: Another passing

Thank you Rick. The last couple of years is played pinochle twice a week at the senior center, something he always like to do. He said it reminded him of his time in the Navy.

Re: Another passing

Barry was my instructor at "A" school in Key West. A great instructor who was also generous with the early Friday afternoon recesses. Heartfelt condolences to his family and friends.
