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Re: Exploiting Submarine Transients: Response to Tim Wenzel


Sounds encouraging but who (what activity) that is operationally up-to-date and
conducts in-depth technical analyses/exploitation of IUSS AND collaterally-collected
data communicates with Lockheed-Martin (LM) on a continuing basis to insure LM -
or whomever - is constantly appraised of the latest information?

It was such a continuous near real-time "data-flow" between ONI and Bell Telephone Labs that made that relationship so enormously productive in terms of hardware/processing developments of
such great benefit to the System - although the System seldom knew the origin of that
information or about the synergistic relationship.

I am not sanguine that such a working relationship now exists between ONI/IUSS and the
private sector; hope you can reassure me otherwise.

When I was asked to return to ONI in 1996 as a consultant, it was because Ed McWethy - a
System alumni who was then running the analysis shop - realized "a lot was falling through
the cracks," i.e., was being missed - and was he ever right. My concern is that those
cracks are now yawning wider than they did in 1996.

