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Re: Interstitial lung disease

Since I have been recently diagnosed with ILD. I was hospitalized with a oxygen level of 65%, normal levels are 90-100. It came on very suddenly. I had a CT and the Air breathing tests done. There is visible scaring noticed and I have 60% lung capacity left. I am not overly concerned but was surprised at the lack of any one seeing this from other Chest X-rays. This is the first place I have gone to refresh my memory about the statement by Dennis Smith. The VA and the % is immaterial to the issue. In January I was given a 11 hour infusion of Rituxan and every 8 hours a shot of 60mg of prednisone. This was to help rejuvenate the loss of Platelets. Another Emergency visit to the Hospital that turned into a 10 or so day stay. Just checking for causes. Smoking is associated with COPD for sure, but the DR. I have said to tell (maybe) what has caused the scaring I have to go under (kidney issue) and they go through your mouth and scrape the spots and hope they get enough data to tell me what has caused it, but the bottom line is they can not fix it. So be it. They gave me Oxygen for use but that just allows you breath better if needed. I do not and will not haul around the portable tank and truly have no real problems breathing. Nothing like what put me in the Hospital in March. Sorry this is so long but they are some of issues in front of us.
Chuck & Linda

Re: Interstitial lung disease

ILD is a lung disease that is progressive. High dose steroids and oxygen sometimes at high flow is needed. As a Nurse Practitioner. I used to work at Mayo Clinic and have taken care of a few people with ILD. Have you looked into a lung transplant? Is there a link with carbon dust and ILD? I would say there most likely is.. I wish you the best!!.. The real reason I wrote to you is that back in 1978 while sitting at the E-Club at NavFac Eleuthera. While sitting at a table ,just you and me, you asked me how I liked the Navy. I was an E-2 at that time.I told you I hated it and cant want to get out!!! You told me I would stay in. I just had to tell you, I ended up doing 27 years active.. Thanks for the advice back then... Wishing you all the best...

Rob Lauria

Re: Interstitial lung disease

Chuck, Thanks for the update. I am sorry you are going through this issue with ILS. As many have mentioned, it is important each of us to know what health issues, especially with respect to our lungs and breathing former shipmates are experiencing. It would be interesting for example to know how many have been diagnosed with ILS. I know of several former NAVFAC withstanders who suffer from Tinnitus, COPD, vision issues etc. that they consider possibly associated to their military service. I'm just not aware of any conclusive studies or published results. Hang in there. From the pictures I see on Facebook you look great! - Jim

Re: Interstitial lung disease

I was in NAVFACs for 15 of 20 years. Served in Operations for only 1 year and Maintenance the rest. I do not have issues breathing but am interested in hearing more from those who do. Spent most of my time in equipment spaces, didn't smoke, and never had to have my sinuses cleaned out like some. The vacuum system was a great improvement over that high voltage dust zapping system. Scary maintenance for the few who had that task. Cleaning and maintaining the vacuum system was a pleasure after breathing the air at San Nick. I remember cleaning dust out of the overhead in the equipment spaces. In the progression of equipment upgrades I have seen in my time at NAVFACs the continuous improvement to the vacuum system was notable. If someone has access to the beneficial suggestion files you might find a history of why upgrades occurred. I was not tested by the VA or rated for this issue but there is a spot in my lung I attribute to Pneumonia when I was a kid. I will have to update my VA doctor on this information.

Re: Interstitial lung disease

I served at four NAVFACs, (San Salvador, Bahamas 1967-68); (NAVFAC Pacific Beach, WA 1968-69); (NAVFAC Keflavik, Iceland 1970-71); and (NAVFAC Bermuda 1971-73). Then I served in USS ALBERT DAVID (DE-1050)equipped with AN/SQR-15 TASS 1973-74. I became a TASS instructor in 1975 at FLEASWTRACENLANT,OT DET, Key West FL and moved the trainer to Norfolk, VA in 1977-79 and USS McCLOY (FF1038)with TASS 1979-81. My final tour was in NOPF DAM Neck, VA 1985-87. All of these facilities except Bermuda and NOPF Dam Neck had paper grams with carbon dust and "no vacuum system". TASS ships vans had seven WAPs with paper grams and carbon dust and "no vacuum system".

Like everybody in "the system" I smoked cigarettes. I smoked unfiltered cigarettes named Camels, Lucky Strikes, Pall Mall, Phillip Morris Commanders, Old Gold Straights, etc. When I got a severe sore throat at the 15th year in my USN career I finally switched to Bel Air menthols. I have just been diagnosed with COPD.

My COPD was caused by all these factors and brought on by bronchitis on three separate occasions. I am eagerly awaiting my oxygen which comes tomorrow via FEDEX.

Today we "were" going to Bermuda for 12 nights. My COPD ended a string of eight consecutive years that we have visited Bermuda. It's all over but the crying!!!

VR/ Denny

Re: Interstitial lung disease

By the time I had gotten to SOSUS 1982 all facilities which I saw Iceland, Centerville Beach, Brawdy, and Dam Neck had the spencer systems. When maintenance was done to these systems which I think took usually over 30 minutes. You would go back on the floor once after starting the vacuum system you could smell the carbon dust. I couldn't imagine having to breath all that carbon dust and not having spencer vacuum system. I also spent time at the MIUWU as a reservist which I don't remember smelling carbon dust there so they must of had some kind of vacuum system there.

Re: Interstitial lung disease

Alan, before the vacuum system a reader would be covered in that residue.
Hands,arms,face, shirt, you name it. Hard to imagine what it did to people internally.

Re: Interstitial lung disease

Alan, it's been awhile, but I believe the MIUW community used a single AN/AQA-5 in their vans.

Re: Interstitial lung disease

Yes COPD is a part of our problem, and I have had bronchitis on numerous occasions in my youth as well as an adult, but never had anything show up on the numerous X-rays over the years. I am still investigating other reasons, possibility of Drug recently infused for blood issues that can cause this type of disease. Yes many of us did smoke and COPD is a result of that, but the suddenness of this ILD diagnoses is what is bothering us. My Dr. said they could put me under and go in and take scrapings to maybe be able to tell what caused it. I asked then what he had no answer, the cause could be a thousand things. So we have a decision to make, you are right "but the crying". We smoked, sucked carbon dust, drank, lived in beautiful places and reported submarines for a living. It could not have been a better life for a young kid from Hudson valley, NY. Let me know what your Test comes back as. My bottom line was 60%.
Good Luck

Re: Interstitial lung disease


I got sidetracked by my wife's troubles the day I had an appointment for my breathing test. Of course I cancelled the breathing test in favor of dealing with Kara's problems. She passed away so I am dealing with my loss and adjusting to the single life at 69 years old. Rescheduling of the breathing test has to wait; you know what I mean, Vern!!


Re: Interstitial lung disease

Certainly understand, Denny, Linda and I offer our condolences for you and your family. Although I have never been stationed with you we have heard wonderful comments about you and Kara. As you know
due to the small size of the OT community a reputation seems all important. You certainly had a glowing one. Again Denny so very sorry. Chuck & Linda Cable
