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Re: The Corona Virus Pandemic

Hello all,

We live in a small town in southern OR and so far have one known case in our county of 80K, but there are probably more that have not been tested. I so appreciate the rural, forested area I live in right now and take my peace from nature. I have a very lightly traveled unpaved lane (only used by one family) to take my morning walks, as our local gym is closed. The only worry is the cougar that's roaming the area taking his snacks on goats and pets. Hopefully, it is sated with these offerings and not interested in this larger morsel.

Those living in large cities, even Portland OR, have a much more challenging circumstance than here. Even though we are small the vast majority of the citizens are heeding the social distancing advise. I visited the local grocery store this morning and it was fairly quite...although the TP isle was depleted - WTH? But the wine and beer area was fully stocked!!

I am worried about our economy and hoping this is over soon so we can get back to mostly normal.

Stay strong and healthy my friends

Re: The Corona Virus Pandemic

Our daughter has an internet business and has contacts in China. She is buying N95 masks and donating them to local health agencies or anyone who asks. The $2400 (and then some) we might get has already been donated to the cause. Life has been kind to us and we really don't need another government check.
Something to consider....

Re: The Corona Virus Pandemic

William Moore
Our daughter has an internet business and has contacts in China. She is buying N95 masks and donating them to local health agencies or anyone who asks. The $2400 (and then some) we might get has already been donated to the cause. Life has been kind to us and we really don't need another government check.
Something to consider....
My mistake, she can't get the N95.
