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A note of thanks from McDowell Mission, Inc.

The following is from the Mission's Executive Director:

"You did it! Well...God did it by using you.

This is how fascinating God is. When we sent out a letter asking for help in acquiring a new furnace we thought $20,000.00 was the amount we needed. Shortly after, the dealer suggested that we should step up to a larger unit. That unit cost $5000.00 more. We needed to raise $25,000.00.

In less than two months, we received $22,400.00. Yesterday the dealer called to say that the manufacturer was giving us a $2600.00 credit! When you do the math you find that we have exactly what we need. There is no way you can explain how this happened other than God knows exactly what we needed and He provided. We praise God for His provisions and we praise God for your generosity as well. The story is awesome not because of the rebate but how you were faithful to give when you had no idea that we could raise that much in such a short time.

The furnace is set to arrive on Tuesday and we hope to have it running within ten days. Every week we are asked by at least one youth,"when are we going to have heat in the gym?" Now we can answer, "Praise God, it will be soon!"

Jay Wilson

Executive Director"