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Re: Re: I'm alive and kicking

I'm alive but not kicking too high anymore.

Re: Re: Re: I'm alive and kicking

"I'm alive but not kicking too high anymore."

Boy do know that feeling.

Re: Re: Re: I'm alive and kicking

Hi Jerry and Mike
I come here every day but I haven't seen my name so I must still be alive but not kicking very much.
Really afraid to look sometimes for fear I might see me listed.
Love In Christ
Monte aka Preacherman

Re: Re: Re: Re: I'm alive and kicking

Hey Montezuma,
I've been worried about you since I got the notice about the Hemphill=Capels reunion from someone else.
Hope you are doing well, and keep in touch.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: I'm alive and kicking

Thank you Jerry for your concern.
Doing OK just the pains of growing old. And a few other things thrown in(Ha)
But really doing OK. Going to try and make the reunion this year. Hope you can make it.