Old Glory Baseball League Forum


______________2008 - 2018______________

Old Glory Baseball League Forum
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I realize that our 3 keepers have to be from your last yrs draftees, but next yr will our NEW keepers have to come from this yrs draft? Is this rule to try and have some team continuity, or just a little quirk to add some extra interest? Also, since one could theoretically scrap an entire team during the yr, what would you do if you only had say 1 or 2 from last yrs draft? Just wondering.

Re: draft/keepers

Earl,I don't think it's possible to scrap an entire team,there just aren't enough good players on the waiver wire.

Re: Re: draft/keepers

I agree Ted. there will be enough good keepers that u draft on your team this year that will still be on your roster at the end.

and yes Earl, u r right, when drafting, future keepers is another little interesting twist to keep in mind.

Re: draft/keepers

Earl, what Ted said is right. There is no way you'd ever loose that many players.

The Keeper rule that we have was put into our rules from the beginning. It's a rule I always had in my local leagues back in the day. It's there to get an owner/drafter maybe thinking a little about the future.
Also, the rule says the player needs to be drafted, not necessarily drafted by you. Here's what it says,"A player must be drafted in the 2008 draft to be eligible to be a keeper." Of course, the player must be on 'your' season ending roster.
This means as long as the player in question was one of the 300 draftees, and is on your team, he is eligible.

Re: Re: draft/keepers

This yrs draft is clear enough- '09 keepers come from '08 draft, but does the 2010 keepers next yr come from this yrs '09 draft?

Re: Re: Re: draft/keepers

Earl, that is a yes on that one. This draft will effect next years Keepers.
Let it be known that this rule doesn't have much effect when the Keepers are a low number. But, when a league has more keepers it becomes more of an issue at draft time.

Re: Re: Re: Re: draft/keepers

and Earl buy that Jimi means that this years keepers (the first three rounds) are in for possible keepers for next year. Correct me Jimi if I am wrong about that.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: draft/keepers

This years Keepers may be your Keepers for 2010 if you like, but they are not required to be. They are considered part of this years draft.
Remember, the amount of Keepers for 2010 that will be added to the 3 we already have will come to a vote during the 2009 World Series. We will vote on adding from 0 to 3.
The rule was changed from 1 to 6, to 0 to 3 to prevent the number of Keepers from growing to fast. Ideally, I feel it would be good to have it grow by 1 each year for three more years. Once it gets to 6 we can vote if we want to let it continue to grow or to stop it at 6.
Some of this talk is getting to far ahead, truth be told, It's really just one season at a time, and I hope this is a good year for all of us!!

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: draft/keepers

But Jimi...ya gotta admit it has gotten us talking baseball OGBL style.

Re: Talkin' OGBL Baseball

You got that right Bob! And it's all GOOD! We've even had some good chats over at CM.

Re: Re: Talkin' OGBL Baseball

that will be my next move..... look out cause when I start talking the babel is out of control. WARNING!