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______________2008 - 2018______________

Old Glory Baseball League Forum
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Keeper lists ready?

I hope all of you are coming along fine with trimming your scrubs and deciding on your keepers. I'm having a hard time narrowing mine down. My first pick is easy, as I will keep Miguel Cabrera. Picking 2 from Brandon Phillips, Crawford, Granderson, Haren, Jeter, and Votto is the hard part. Looking at several lists hasn't helped to much, but it will all work out. Maybe just draw names out of a hat.

Re: Keeper lists ready?

One of the blessings of a team that did poorly is not having too many folks you want to keep and a draft position that will let you draft a player better than two of your keepers!

Re: Re: Keeper lists ready?

Barry... how about better than all three of your keepers. Or is Utley going to be the new and improved brand... if so adjust all to two.

Re: Re: Re: Keeper lists ready?

Utley ???? I don't have Utley. Wish I did. My keepers are likely Rollins, AGon and Vlad. I would gladly trade them for any 3 of Pats 5 I mentioned.