Old Glory Baseball League Forum


______________2008 - 2018______________

Old Glory Baseball League Forum
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ARoid ..

Why is there a big article on ARod's positive test in 2003? I thought the results were to not be made public.

Re: ARoid ..

The lesson here is never trust those in high authority when they tell you "this is going to be confidential". ARod should have have known that if he tested positive in 2003,that someday everyone was going to find out about it; if I'm surprised at all, it is that it took so long to become public. ARod has become "AFraud" and "ARoid" in just a couple of weeks.

Re: Re: ARoid ..

This is the kind of news that seems to always come out right before ST starts.
If it's not Bonds, it's Clemens, or the Mitchell Report, or Canseco's book, or Balco, etc, etc.

I've grown immune to all of this. All I care about is Baseball, the game itself and the enjoyment I get from it.

Re: Re: Re: ARoid ..

I'm with you.Good commentary on MLB tonight.