Old Glory Baseball League Forum


______________2008 - 2018______________

Old Glory Baseball League Forum
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I'm not going to make a living reading tea leafs ...

Well the final count is seven. That is I guessed wrong on seven keepers. Considering when most SP were drafted last year I did not envision the large number kept. Funny ... I thought Soto would be the only top C available and he isn't but both Mauer and Martin are.

Guess I will have to keep my day job.

Re: My List

Here's the ones I missed with who I thought it would be. My list was made back in Novemeber right after the Keeper Poll was taken.

Youkilis - Martin
Howard - Longoria
Morneau - Halladay
Ortiz - Ichiro
Soto - Bay
Lackey - Ordonez

As you can see, I even got one of my own wrong.