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Jose Reyes Batting Third?

Kelly's Heroes - Jose B. Reyes, SS
News: Jose Reyes has a surprise in store when he arrives at spring training. New York Mets manager Jerry Manuel is pondering the idea of dropping his speedy shortstop from the leadoff spot, one of several tweaks that could be on tap for a team coming off consecutive September collapses. Luis Castillo might get a shot at the top of the lineup, perhaps with Carlos Beltran batting second and Reyes No. 3. Reyes could also be handed more leadership responsibilities on defense, such as aligning other infielders and visiting the mound. It's all part of the master plan for Manuel, entering his first full season in charge of the Mets. After general manager Omar Minaya rebuilt a wretched bullpen this winter, Manuel is ready to make his own mark. "My emphasis will be on team vs. individual. I think that message is so critical," he said Saturday.
Analysis: A three-time stolen base champion who hit 19 triples last year, Reyes is one of baseball's most dangerous leadoff men. Dropping him in the order would be an attempt to benefit Castillo, accustomed to the role from his days with the Florida Marlins. Manuel thinks the 25-year-old Reyes would handle the adjustment well if it helped the team. The two-time All-Star was expected to arrive in Port St. Lucie on Sunday but isn't required to report to camp until Wednesday. If he is moved from the leadoff spot that would likely lower his value a tiny bit but nothing that would stop Fantasy owners from picking him in the late first or early second round in drafts.

Re: Jose Reyes Batting Third?

1st, 2nd, 3rd, I'll still take him :) With stolen bases de-valued a bit in this format, I don't see this as a negative. Just stay healthy Jose!

Re: Re: Jose Reyes Batting Third?

I'll do my best to stay healthy all season long, Kelly.

Re: Re: Jose Reyes Batting Third?

I actually think it would increase his value. His SBs will drop but his RBI's will likely make up the difference.
Plus he'd probably start hitting for more power, kinda like Hanley Ramirez has done.
It will be interesting to see if they go through with it.