Old Glory Baseball League Forum


______________2008 - 2018______________

Old Glory Baseball League Forum
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OGBL Owner B-Day

I'd like to say Happy Birthday to Les' better half.

Happy Birthday Valerie!

Re: OGBL Owner B-Day

jim, i passed this along to valerie. she said to say thank you very much. her birthday present was TWO weeks at disney world, paid for just a couple of months before the credit crunch hit. so she took lots of photos to preserve the memories. you'll be interested to know that she found a TV channel in her room showing late night winter baseball from the Caribbean. it was in Spanish, but she said it was great to see baseball again. thanks again for remembering her birthday!

Re: OGBL Owner B-Day

thank you very much for the birthday wishes, i hope everyone has a great birthday day like i have had so far, and i do hope everyone has a great baseball season, lets go pirates

Re: Re: OGBL Owner B-Day

Hope you had a great day and many more to come.

Re: OGBL Owner B-Day

Happy B-Day Val.Just leaving Orlando heading for Pompano Beach.Saw the same Caribbean BB on late nite TV but only married 6 mos so didn't watch too much of it.

Re: OGBL Owner B-Day

Happy Birthday, Valerie.