Old Glory Baseball League Forum


______________2008 - 2018______________

Old Glory Baseball League Forum
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MLB Network

I'm won over by this new 24/7 Baseball channel. Since I'm only in to Baseball and could care less about the other sports this is perfect. Infact, I haven't tuned in to ESPN at all this year, not once!
And now that Baseball has actually gotten underway with Spring Training, MLBN is just getting better and better.
Starting tomorrow (Monday) they will kick off their new program called MLB Tonight.
Right now I'm enjoying "30 Teams in 30 Days". Each day they show an indepth look at one of the MLB teams.

Re: MLB Network

I think the station is great & watched it every day but none of the resorts get MLB so I feel like I'm really missing a lot.

Re: MLB Network

I think it stinks that you are watching it Jimi. Sounds like an unfair advantage to me, and something that the commissioner shouldn't do. Since we all don't have it, you should only watch it after the draft is over.

Actually I'm jealous--wish I had it. I like to watch ESPN's Baseball Tonight show, but haven't seen it on yet this yr.

Re: Re: MLB Network

I'm very jealous, too. The management does not allow anything other than ER, Saving Grace and Desperate House wifes.