Old Glory Baseball League Forum


______________2008 - 2018______________

Old Glory Baseball League Forum
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Wedding bells

My oldest just told us he is marrying his long-time girlfriend this September. I'm counting on you all to let me make the play-offs to help pay for this thing.

Re: Wedding bells

That's nice to hear Barry. That's how it is, kids grow up, they get married and they make grandparents of us.

Congrats to the Mudd-Sparks family.

Re: Re: Wedding bells

That's great news Barry.I hate to tell you this tho,I doubt if anyone in this league will show you any mercy.You'll just have to out play us all.

Re: Re: Re: Wedding bells

Great news Barry. As to this league, you are on your own!

Re: Wedding bells

Congratulations. My daughter got married in Dec.'07 and my son in May'08 and these guys bounced me out of the playoffs in the second round. That's what you can expect. Enjoy that day; it's going to fly by very quickly.