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______________2008 - 2018______________

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I feel like I'm fixin' to die

boyz, Valerie and I both are down and out with the flu. we're feverish, delirious, achy, and WEAK. I doubt that i'll make it to the draft this weekend, so i'm gonna load up my queue with enough players to last through the draft. if i get to feeling better, i'll come in and participate directly. i've never had the flu before, and i had no idea it could be so debilitating. anyway, i'll put all my favorite players in the queue and set my status to AUTOMATIC. i think this will work. are there any other suggestions?????

Re: I Can Help A Little

Les, we can work together on this. I can call you when you're on deck and get your next pick and make it for you.
If you prefer to use your auto pick that is fine too.

Re: Re: I Can Help A Little

OK< thanks. the phone idea will work much better than the AUTOMATIC idea.

Re: Re: Re: I Can Help A Little

I can wait as needed. As much as everyone wants to draft somewhat quickly I would prefer everyone gets the picks they really want. It's a long season otherwise...

Get better Team Les!

Re: I feel like I'm fixin' to die

Les & Val,this is a get well wish for you.Hopefully your recovery is quick.You probably already have your 1st pick & it will be awhile before you have to pick again as there are 10 hrs between picks so maybe we can slow it down a little.

Re: Get Well Les & Val

That is a nice gesture Ted, but I see no reason to slow things down deliberately, this draft goes slow enough without trying to make it slower. Everyone should just draft as you normally would.

I'll be working with Les over the weekend and into the week if necessary, I see no problems occurring.