Old Glory Baseball League Forum


______________2008 - 2018______________

Old Glory Baseball League Forum
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What was your most regrettable draft pick?

Mine was Fuentes at 15, when I should have picked a more reliable SP.

Re: What was your most regrettable draft pick?

Mine Choo. He came up with a sore arm (that he had surgery on a year and a half ago) less than a day after I picked him to start in my outfield.

Re: Re: What was your most regrettable draft pick?

Max Scherzer. his mid-summer "dead arm" last season has just become this spring's "shoulder issue".

Re: What was your most regrettable draft pick?

For me: Saunders & Looper. They'll be my first drops probably.

Re: What was your most regrettable draft pick?

My worst pick(I think) was picking Jorge Campillo as a SP. He wont make the rotation, and maybe not the team.
First drop. My risk/reward pick was Hafner. Hoping he can regain his swing and stay healthy this year.

Re: Re: What was your most regrettable draft pick?

Right now NONE! But is you were to ask me the same question in 30 days I will likely respond differently.. lol

Re: Re: What was your most regrettable draft pick?

Earl... I hope you are right but for different reasons.

Re: What was your most regrettable draft pick?

I don't regret any picks although I had targeted Lester and Nolasco and missed them with other picks. That was bound to happen mostly because everyone here is too good to miss talent so I was happy targeting pitching later this draft.