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______________2008 - 2018______________

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Stick your Foot in your Mouth

OK guys, lets all make the mistake a few days after draft of telling the world (well ok nine other nice people) of what seems to be your best move during the draft? Mine would be the stragy of punting the RP until the last pick of the day. I felt I had 4 or 5 decent closers to pick from and who knows which would have been best. I chose Wood of that bunch because: 1. give me a rooting interest each and every night. 2. if he is worth 10 mil per year to the Indians he should be worth a 25th pick for me. 3. I didn't want him to go undrafted and bite me as someone's first pick up. Now I have to take my foot out of my mouth.

Re: Stick your Foot in your Mouth

Bob, one year in CDM I had Rod Beck of the Giants as one of my closers. That year I found out that having a closer from my favorite team really caused me mixed feelings.
I was always wanting the Giants to win, but not by more than 3 runs. It had me rooting against their offense all the time. I remember many times how I got upset when they "blew" their 3 run lead by adding to it and in the process blew my save opp. Never again have I taken a closer from the Giants.
Also, you'll be watching or listening to your closer more with him being on your team. Closers can drive you crazy, especially when you are watching it!

Re: Stick your Foot in your Mouth

My reply to ur question Bob, is hopefully not foot in mouth, but certainly tongue in cheek. :-)

Gettin Chipper in the 6th and backing him up with Glaus in the 21st to take care of my 3B needs borders on genius.

I mean two veterans with along history of putting up quality fantasy stats.

OK I know your ur thinking that they are soo fragile. But, I say what are the chances that they are hurt at the same time! LMAO

In the event that they do both get hurt at the same time, I still have Carlos Guillen in the 17th who is now slated to play left field cuz he gets hurt too much playing SS/1B/3B. LOL

Re: Re: Stick your Foot in your Mouth

I did what I swore I wouldn't. I got a west coast closer. Hate to go to bed every night not knowing if I have a save.

Re: Stick your Foot in your Mouth

I went into this draft knowing I would miss out on guys I really wanted (like Lester and Nolasco) but snagged guys like Wieter, even after passing on him thinking I wouldn't get him later. Last year I went pretty much naked at Catcher and had a horrible OF so my strategy was simply to shore up the hitting part and rely on a stronger second-tier pitching crew to have a good draft. In other words, giving myself a chance. I also wanted to draft players with upside and ended up with what I'm sure is the youngest team. Don't know if that will translate into victory but I should have some tough keeper decisions for 2010.

Re: Re: Stick your Foot in your Mouth

I was hoping Wieter would last another round or two since they say he will be in minors until 6/1. Good pick.