Old Glory Baseball League Forum


______________2008 - 2018______________

Old Glory Baseball League Forum
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Your first pick?

Hindsight is always 20-20 but if you had the first pick, who would your choice have been? There seemed to be some genuine surprise that I didn't take Halladay or Webb. For the record, as much as I loved Halladay I'm not so sure the offense would have allowed him to duplicate several career numbers. Webb would have been my first pitching choice and I still love Halladay as a pick but I just couldn't let Longoria pass. I chose to bet on the next tier of pitchers rising up. What would you have done?

Re: Your first pick?

Kelly you made the right choice and I figured you would go with Longoria. I already had A. Rameriez at third so my choice was Webb, but would have been happy with Halliday. Last year I punted pitching and I got punted in a soft spot so hopefully I learned from my errors.

Re: Your first pick?

Kelly, if I had the first pick I would have gone with Halladay. I just think that he is one of the top 3 pitchers in the game and I wouldn't be able to pass on him.
With that said, I still think you have a great looking team!

Re: Re: Your first pick?

Kelly,I think I would have taken Halladay because he is one of the top pitchers,gives you 34 starts,most quality but most of all you had to wait 23 rounds before you can draft a P.You had 3 excellent keepers & as good as Longoria is you have left yourself short as far as pitching goes.Only time will tell.You do have an infield we would all love to have tho.

Re: Re: Re: Your first pick?

First pick in a keeper league has to be someone you think will be a keeper. Longoria sure fits that. If you think he is near the player the hype says, he has to be the guy. I heard Halilaay & Webb might go 1/2. I was still deciding if I would take Longoria or Mauer in the 3 slot.