Old Glory Baseball League Forum


______________2008 - 2018______________

Old Glory Baseball League Forum
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Could be benching starters early

So we are 3 weeks from the season opener and the Northern parts of Seattle got 7 inches of snow yesterday. I only got 2 but I've got to think even best-laid plans for your starting lineup will have more to do with the weather than anything else for the first 2 weeks or more. I love this game, but I wish it would start later. At least they finally figured out Colorado's schedule this year. Bring back the 154 game season!

Re: Could be benching starters early

Kelly... those of us in NE Ohio really need to hear about snow and baseball. We have already reserved Miller Park for a few home games. (best to you, Ted, and Jose in the battle for the White Division..should be a honey)

Re: Could be benching starters early

Kelly, I agree with you, it's time to shorten the regular season, and increase the playoffs.
Something like 140 games with 6 teams from each league advancing to postseason.

Re: Re: Could be benching starters early

Hey ... how about leaving the 162 games but bring back the scheduled doubleheader to shorten the length a week or two? For what these guys make, playing 5 (or regretfully 6) hours isn't the end of the world.

Re: Re: Re: Could be benching starters early

All of the above could work... But you all know the answer: Money...