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______________2008 - 2018______________

Old Glory Baseball League Forum
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David and Goliath Part II

When the Netherlands beat the Dominican Republic 3-2 in the WBC this past weekend it was considered one of the biggest upsets of all time. Well, lightning can strike twice in the same place. Just tonight, the Netherlands have knocked the Dominicans from the tournament, beating them 2-1 in 11 innings.
I'm really enjoying the WBC. To me it's so pure. The players playing for fun, not for money. And most of all, they're playing with pride.


Re: David and Goliath Part II

I was glued to the tv last night Jim. That was one of the best games I've seen in this series.

Re: David and Goliath Part II

As you all probably know there is a large Dominican population in the NY area. You should have seen the huge picture in the Spanish language tabloid showing the Dominican players sitting on the bench with sad faces and the big headline on top in Spanish : "SHAMEFUL"