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Yankees Trivia

Which pitcher won the most games for the Yanks during the decade of the 1970s?

Re: Yankees Trivia

Mr. Ford.

Re: Yankees Trivia

Ted, I have 2 guesses here, but I'll go with the one that came to mind first.
Is it Mel Stottlemyre?

Re: Yankees Trivia

Catfish Hunter and Stotlmeyer where both in that decade. Think Guidry was for only part of it.

I'll give Stot a slight edge over Cat.

Re: Re: Yankees Trivia

Mel Stottlemyer with 67 wins.Side note,I was there for his 1st ML start in 1964.He was unimpressive with all the hype as to the next great Yankee pitcher.I used to keep score of all the games I went to & it wasn't until the game was over,Yanks won 4-2,that I realized how good he was that day.He only Kd a few but 17 of his outs were ground balls.He was & still is a class act.