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top ten reasons to watch the World Baseball Classic

Top Ten Reasons To Watch The World Baseball Classic

"Due to the economic crisis, we all have to share the same pair of pants"

"Japan has one of them crazy robot shortstops"

"Because it's an international event, our right fielder is Secretary of State Hillary Clinton"

"The winning team plays Neptune in the Galactic Baseball Classic"

"It's fascinating seeing how players from other countries scratch themselves"

"You'll be part of a cherished baseball tradition dating all the way back to 2006"

"Because of the metric system, the games will be 6.83 innings"

"Before each game, you get to sit through 30 different national anthems"

"Australia's secret weapon: a fastball-throwin' kangaroo"

"What else are you going to watch, hockey?"

Re: top ten reasons to watch the World Baseball Classic

Yep, no hockey for me...