Old Glory Baseball League Forum


______________2008 - 2018______________

Old Glory Baseball League Forum
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Just when I thought I was ready to roll, FANTISTICS comes out with five doubles for the Natives in the first week. I will be digging out of a hole early.

Re: Trouble

Bob, I haven't seen a 2-start list yet. Is that site free or do you have to pay for it?

Also, things could be worse, you could have 0 2Xers.

Re: Re: Trouble

Jimi.Fantistics........ $30 per year.

Re: Re: Re: Trouble

used to love them. Have not used in a few years.

Re: No Trouble

I found our CBS League Home was very accurate for 2-timers and Probables last year. With them (CBS) you have to wait until Monday to see the list for the following (next) week. To me that is plenty of time to get my SP's in order.