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______________2008 - 2018______________

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DL question

If a player, Mauer, is now on MLB DL, does that do me any good? I already did my one waiver wire as a drop.

Re: DL question

Barry, if the Twins DL'd Mauer a little sooner, then u could have also DL'd him and added Inge without having to drop Winn.

But, u still could DL Mauer week two and pick up a player from the waiver wire, which I like to refer to as Jimi's dollar menu! :-)

Re: DL question

Barry, Ray is right, but let me clarify that you can use your DL during week #1 (starting on Monday, the 6th) and it will take effect week #2.
There are unlimited Add/Drops and DL moves from weeks 1 through 10. From weeks 11 through 20 only one Add/Drop and/or one DL move is allowed.

Re: DL question

So we can make a kazillion moves for the first half of the season, but only 1 during the second half? Not trying to be a stick in the mud, just trying to understand the logic behind that one.

Re: Re: DL question

Earl... believe me Jimi has a good reason for each of the rules... and it really works out in exciting races... but he will no doubt explain the logic. Are you ready to break on top??

Re: DL question

break on top?

Re: Re: DL question

Earl, trust me on this one, it works fine.
There was a league vote last year on the number of transactions we can have, some wanted it unlimited and some wanted it limited, so this way it is both.
The way we have it helps an owner if he needs to rebuild his team early on, either from a bad draft or a bunch of injuries. For the second half, it keeps owners from over using the 2X SPs down the stretch.

Re: Re: DL question

Earl, for some of us it's breakdown, but it's the fun we have doing it that counts...

Re: DL question

Jimi, I knew you had a reason. I didn't think about someone abusing/overusing the 2X pitchers thing. Just as I'll probably come around to liking the only having 3 2X pitchers rule, I'll probably come around to this one to(or at least get used to it). I was just thinking about having your best SP or your best slugger get hurt, with just over half the season gone, and being out of moves. Could possibly ruin the rest of the season.

I'll come around, it's just this "trying to level out the playing field" goes against my competetive nature. I usually try to pound my opponent( or be pounded if his team is better). But, with the way I drafted, and taking chances on injury risks and younger guys, maybe I better hope for some evening out.

Re: Re: DL question

Earl, it looks as though you misunderstood. It's not 1 Add/Drop and/or DL move for the final 10 weeks, it's 1 Add/Drop and/or 1 DL move "per week" for the final 10 weeks.
Sorry for the confusion, I should of put "per week" on that earlier post.

Re: DL question

Now I get it. Sounds good. Thanks, Jimi