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Extra 2X starts

How to get rid of two 2X starts??
Thinking with the weather concerns, maybe one way is to see who's schedule is "safe" from wash outs (or snow outs in the case of Cleveland).
1. I have Bedard. Totally safe for weather in Minn and at Oakland.
2. Buehrle. Probably safe because if opener gets rained out he could still double with a Tuesday start. Second start in Minn.
3. Kuroda. Totally safe for weather with at S.D. and Arz. Facing Peavy and Webb not the best of match ups.
4. Lee. Should be OK in Tex for Monday or Tuesday, but to have that home game in the snowdome of Cleveland is really rolling the dice.
5. Webb. Home is sunny warm Arz... a lock for the final cut.

Although we all hate to loose doubles, this is a great rule. Won't help the Natives but that is just a selfish claim.

Re: Extra 2X starts

Bob, I'm kinda puzzled on who I have going twice week #1, it seems to keep changing. I've never seen it like this before, where #3 and #4 SPs are 2Xing week #1.
I see that Weaver has been moved back, which is good, but Blackburn was moved up, that's bad. Litsch was moved back, that's good.
I went from 4 2Xers, to 5, then 6. Now I see it's back to 4 again? As I mentioned, I'm puzzled

It'll all come together by the lineup deadline on Sunday afternoon.

Re: Re: Extra 2X starts

Right on Jim, It seems each day the 2Xs have changed. It's the 8 day week that has me confused with who's on 1st and what's on second. I don't know is pitching I guess.

Let's ask Abbott since he was able to explain it to Costello.