Old Glory Baseball League Forum


______________2008 - 2018______________

Old Glory Baseball League Forum
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I Need Your Feedback

Hey guys, I'm very disappointed that Bravenet decided to change the layout of our forum. This came as a surprise and without any kind of notice.
I sent them a letter and expressed my displeasure with this and received a reply. They're asking me what I don't like about the changes and have offered some sort of refund if I want to cancel the service.
My service runs from Dec. 09 to Dec. 10.

My question, do you guys want to keep this forum and try to get used to it or should we get rid of it and try to find a replacement.
Myself, I can go either way with this.

Re: I Need Your Feedback

Jimi, I'd say let's just use it like it is. We can always be on the lookout for another if we want to go that route for next yr, but since the season is already under way, I can get used to it. If I had not seen the other forum layout, and just now entered the lg, I'd be fine with this. It would be a little trouble to find/change to another forum, but I'm game for whatever the group wants to do. Just wonder why they had to mess with it, when it seemed better the other way.

Re: I Need Your Feedback

If they could make it bigger,bolder & darker it would be better.I do like the fact you can view all the comments to 1 subject without having to click on each person's comments.If they could change it once they can change it again.

Re: I Need Your Feedback

I also like the being able to see all the replies without having to go back and forth. I vote we try and get used to this format for awhile...

And I just edited this message, that is new..

Re: I Need Your Feedback

yeah, i can go with this. i think it'll just be a matter of getting accustomed to it.

i'm surprised at the huge point spread between the "haves" and the "have nots" this early. AROXX is really on fire.

Re: I Need Your Feedback

Looks good enough for me. I one of those guys that never likes change, however, I see no problem learning to live with this. Also, seems like a lot of the people are using the chat at the bottom of the live scoring which give us another forum.

Re: I Need Your Feedback

I agree with the other posts. It is good to see all the replies on one page. The contrast of the page could be better, but overall it is ok.

Re: I Need Your Feedback

Hey, I just noticed that up on the top left it says threaded and board.

When u click there, it switches back to the style that we are used to.

Re: Ray?

Where have you been Ray. That option (Board/Threaded) has always been there.

Re: Ray?

I say let's get use to this one; it'll take a while, but we can do it.

Re: Ray?

I'm with Ray... Let's stay with this one for now..