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______________2008 - 2018______________

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2 start rotation question for jimi - he loves this stuff :-)

hey jimi - I've got a great question for the Commish :-)

Probably things will change by the rotation selection time, but this is an interesting rules question.

At present time for week 2, I have 2 SP's going on monday and 3 going on tuesday.

Only 2 of that group are listed as double starters.

If I select those 5 pitchers, which I prob won't cuz of quality versus quantity, what criteria is used to determine my allowed points for the week.

Do I list all five on the Forum in order of preference and then get credit for the first 3 that double, assuming that 3 or more do, in fact, double?

Also, what if one or both of my listed doublers miss their second start for some reason and one or more of the other guys listed for 1 start, do get a second start. Do I still get credit for the full 8 games?

Bet u never thought u would get such weird situations with the rotations. LOL this is one crazy start to the season as far as pitching rotations are concerned.

Re: 2 start rotation question for jimi - he loves this stuff :-)

wow !! what a question . . . if nothing else, you get credit for the MOST complicated question ever asked in the history of our league. i'm glad i'm not the one who has to figure out an answer . . . good luck, jimi !!

Re: Quick Answer

Start 3 that are 2Xing a 2 that aren't. Problem solved.

I just got off work and to answer such a lengthy question(s) I'd need to read your post a few more times. Right now I'm heading for a shower!

I agree, this season has started off a little different than past seasons.

Re: Quick Answer

Ray... that is what I had almost in week one. five 2X scheduled, so I picked three of them and so as not to confuse benched the other two. Then Webb comes up sore and misses his second start this weekend, meanwhile I have two birds on the bench that will be doubling. Question to Jimi... what if I would have just listed all five as starters, would I have picked up the double from one of the two others? My guesS in NO. But in Ray's case since only two are listed as doubles, he can place the other three as starters and benifit if one of the three actually doubles. This is a great rule, but with all rules it sometime isn't fair.

Re: Quick Answer

Bob, I see that you the misfortune of losing Webb's second start this week. As we all know, injuries play a big part of fantasy Baseball and it's something that we can not control during the week that it happens. We just have to regroup and move on to the next week.

The answer to you question is that you would of been in rule violation if you started all 5 that were scheduled to 2X. I know that you have read the rule but I placed it here for anyone who wants to read it again.

To keep the playing field somewhat even from week to week, each team will have 5 starting pitchers active each week but will be limited to a maximum of 3 who will have two starts. In other words, each team will have no more than 8 STARTS on any giving week. In some cases this will also add some strategy, as when a manager has more than 3 2Xers and needs to pick his best 3. This rule is designed to help keep the scores of games as close as possible, which in turn will bring more excitement to the league, especially come Sunday and the Sunday Night Game. This rule will also need the help of every team owner, as each of you are being asked to do everything possible to not go over the 8 SP starts per week.
If there is ANY chance that you might be starting 4 2Xers you will need to go to the OGBL Forum and list your 3 2Xers. This will designate who you are using as your 3 2Xer SPs that week.
If by chance you start an SP who was scheduled for 1 start and he somehow then gets a second start and you already have 3 SPs who will 2X, you will not get the points from the second start from the SP in question. If this happens to you it will be noted (even though you did not intentionally do it), the second and third times you will receive warnings. The 4th time and beyond you will lose the points from both starts. I do not see this happening, and this rule will help to prevent it.
You are not allowed to start a 4th SP who is scheduled to 2X just to get his first start points. This will cause me, the commish to erase points on Sunday night, not something I want to do. First time is a warning, second time you will loose points from both starts.
Note: This rule worked very well in 2008.

All the OGBL owners did a great job in 2008. There were only two occasions that I had to go in and deduct points. Both times that it happened was when an SP went on 3 days rest when the team already had 3 2Xing.

Re: Quick Answer

The dangers, trouble, and confusion of trying to even out the playing field

Re: Quick Answer

I see no dangers, trouble or confusion. The rule is pretty plain and simple to follow. We went all last year without any problems and I see no problems this year.