Old Glory Baseball League Forum


______________2008 - 2018______________

Old Glory Baseball League Forum
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Every day I get an e-mail from CBS sports giving the standings to date.This makes absolutely no sense because the top team has 611 pts.It also lists pts ahead & behind.I realize you have to divide everything by 3 but why not just give us the real points.I'm sure they have a reason but I will just delete this every day & look up our site.

Re: CBS E-Mails

Ted, if you like you can change your settings so you won't receive daily e-mails. Here's how,
On our League Home, go to Options, click on Alerts. Change the Yes to No. You can stop Alerts and Notifications.
Myself, I have mine on No as I get all the same info at our League Home.

Re: CBS E-Mails

Jimi,not a big deal,just wondered why they tripled the pts.

Re: Points

Ted, that is because CBS is counting all three games that you are playing. I can't change that setting.