Old Glory Baseball League Forum


______________2008 - 2018______________

Old Glory Baseball League Forum
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Waiver question

If your awarded a waiver claim, does the new player automatically go to the bench? Are new pickups only playable the week after claiming them? In other words, if I drop a player that is in my starting lineup, does the new guy go to the bench, and thereby leaving me zero pts. for the rest of the wk. for the position dropped? I assume we have to drop from the benched players, but not sure.

Re: Waiver question

Earl, Any player you pick up this week will not be eligible to play until next week. If you are dropping a player that is currently in this weeks lineup he will continue to stay in your lineup the rest of the week.

Once you are awarded a waiver claim you can see them by clicking on the next week (Period) located at the top/left on your Team Page.

Re: Waiver question

OK, thanks Jimi. Simple enough. I knew I was probably making it harder than it really was.