Old Glory Baseball League Forum


______________2008 - 2018______________

Old Glory Baseball League Forum
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Noticed anythings steange at the game ...

There seems to have been a break-in at the CWS and Philly home fields. It seems that all the bats for Rollins and Thome are missing. New ones have been ordered. None of the other players are willing to lead them a bat because they might use some of the limited hits in each bat. Management does not want to let this robbery become public knowledge because it might increase attempts to do the same and result in higher security costs in the future. Since no one was eating it off the post-game buffet anyway, to save money the management have asked Rollins and Thome to use asparagus stalks in the mean time and hoping no one would notice.

Re: Noticed anythings steange at the game ...

I have had a chance to catch a few of Rollins at-bats and he is looking totally lost these days. Pulling everything too. I know he'll come around but I feel for you - Reyes only slightly better..

Re: Noticed anythings steange at the game ...

Most of us have at least one who under-performing. I've got a couple, but the one who's hurting me the most is Alexei Ramirez.
But, I feel it will turn and when it does I don't want him on my bench.