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______________2008 - 2018______________

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what went wrong????

OK< here's the deal: i dropped Nady and added Kubel on Sunday afternoon, but it didn't go through. Instead, Jose (below me in the waiver wire list) got him today. What did i do wrong?

Re: what went wrong????

oops, maybe this is the reason why: i didn't put a check mark here: "Add this move to the list of pending waiver claims (don't execute it immediately)". is that why it didn't go through?

Re: what went wrong????

Les, no, don't put the check in that box, that will mess you up. Nothing went wrong as the Doodles were ahead of you on the waiver order.
Both of you had 1-2 records last week but you had scored more points which placed you below him.

Re: what went wrong????

Barry... waiting on the Commish for the official replay call...but this old timers thinks you have learned lession one. (there may be more..you know how rookies don't get all the calls in MLB, well welcome to the OGBL)

Re: what went wrong????

Now THIS IS EMBARISING ! TWO MINUTES LATE AND I thought I was looking at a rookie mistake. Les, as a long time cbs guy you need to do better. LOL And not make me look so stupid in the process !!!!

Re: what went wrong????

OK< thanks for the quick reply. i understand now. i think last week's waiver list must have been the only time in history i've been ahead of Jose in anything.

Re: what went wrong????

yeah, but if anybody could understand my confusion it's got to be a fellow senior (i almost typed senile) citizen !!

Re: what went wrong????

As of this date Bob has officially lost it.

Re: what went wrong????

amen....Teddy bear.