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ruling needed

Jim, King Felex starts Tuesday and I would like him to 2X, if he does. Logic says he should. My problem is no place is listing him as 2x that I can find. Either their 5th starter (Jak ...) is shown or TBD. I have 3 2x without him. Do I have to bench Zito's known 2x on the hope King Felix might 2x? How does this work?

Re: ruling needed

Excellent question barry. If I am reading the rules correctly, u would have to bench Zito to get a shot at Felix's possible double. Tough call :-(

I'm sure Jimi will be on before the deadline to give u the official answer. :-)

Re: ruling needed

Barry, you are the first to come up with this one. From what I see you have 3 scheduled to 2X and 2 that are not. I realize that you want Hernandez to 2X but at this time Seattle has him going only on the 28th, not unless you have some good inside info that he is 2Xing.

Here's your options,

Leave your lineup as is, you get the 3 2X's from Guthrie, Shields and Zito. If Hernandez does 2X you will not get the second game points.

OR, if you feel Hernandez will 2X then drop one of the other 2Xer's from lineup.

OR, keep your lineup as is and designate your 3 2Xer's. If you do this you will end up losing the points from the 2nd start of the SP who is not one of the designated 2Xer's (Chances are you'll end up losing a start with this choice).

Lineups are not due until 7:00 ET so you have time to think it over.

Re: Ruling

Barry, since you started the week with 3 2Xers in Guthrie, Shields, and Zito it will be those three who get the 2X games.
If Hernandez does go twice his second game points will be deleted.