Old Glory Baseball League Forum


______________2008 - 2018______________

Old Glory Baseball League Forum
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1st Place

WOW, first place team in OGBL has a record of 6 and 4. Talk about a tight league!!

Re: 1st Place

I see that the Natives have a six game winning streak to get to that 6-4 record!

Re: 1st Place

And it's Earl taking the lead for a weekly high score... Congrads to the Texas Team....

p.s. Stay away from the Flu Earl...

Re: 1st Place

No, I sure don't want any of the swine flu. Or any other kind of flu, for that matter.

I'm kind of surprised that no one has won more than 6 so far. some pretty tight divisions.

Re: 1st Place

I know of one 6-4 team that is about to fall on its face! There will be no war dance at the Natives gatherings this week !!!