Old Glory Baseball League Forum


______________2008 - 2018______________

Old Glory Baseball League Forum
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Cartel Meeting

How did it go guys? I want to hear what went down.

I didn't get to bug this meeting not like the past ones.

Re: 1st Place 2nd Place 3rd Place & Last Place

A 4 way tie for 1st & last.Jose & I battled it out at our Cartel meeting in Bridgewater,Jose had a 1 pt lead going into the Yankee game.He had Canoe & I had Poasada.It got really nasty & punches were thrown.Oh wait,that was the hockey game on 1 of the TVs.Cano got 2 hits to Jorge's BB & he nipped me by 2 pts.I must say we had a great time & it was nice to meet Jose for the 1st time but he's not as good looking as his photos in the Soap Opera digest with his daughter.It was nice to see Ron & Ray again,lst time in about 3 years.I kept rooting for Cano to get on by an error so it wouldn't hurt the Yanks but he sure can hit.Still think he will lead the league in BA.We all tried to help Jose with his CDM team as none of us are playing but he seems to have things well in hand.It was a great evening & time really flew.We are hoping to meet again during the season.