Old Glory Baseball League Forum


______________2008 - 2018______________

Old Glory Baseball League Forum
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Jim was right ... as usual

I mentioned to Jim Monday that I just got a new computer because my 4 year old one only could hold 1 Mg of memory and some of the programs I used need more. He sounded surprized that I would risk that in mid-season. Well sure as $%^& I couldn't get the new one to talk to our wireless LAN. Being the computer guru that I am (NOT!), I opened the Network info on the old one to make sure I had the settings right. Now, you guessed it, neither works. Great!

Re: New PC

I hope you don't think I jinxed you. I was just saying that I would be afraid to change computers during the Baseball season. That is because I don't know much about them to begin with and that all my stuff is on this one.
Hope you get it all straightened out soon

Re: New PC

Jimi... for many years I would take my tower in to the shop to be cleaned out a month before ST started so I would be a fast and as safe as possible for the baseball season. This year I rolled the dice.