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Yankee Triple Trivia

1.In 1927 Ruth hit 60 HRs,Gehrig 47,who was 3rd & how many? 2.Who was the starting catcher for the 1927 Murderers Row? 3.Who held the Yankee single season record for HRs before The Babe joined the team?

Re: Yankee Triple Trivia

Ruth - 60
Gehrig - 47
Lazzeri - 18

Catcher - Pat Collins

Frank "Home Run" Baker - 10 HRs in 1916 & 1918

No, I didn't know all three of these off the top of my head, but I did know Lazzeri because I had the '27 Yankee team cards in Strat-O-Matic. I couldn't remember Collins, had to look it up.

Re: Yankee Triple Trivia

Jimi,1st two 100% #3 wrong.Does anyone know,I didn't.

Re: Yankee Triple Trivia

How about Wally Pipp with 12 HRs in 1916.

Re: Yankee Triple Trivia

No fair,you looked it up but it sure puts things in perspective.Pipp 12,Babe 59