Old Glory Baseball League Forum


______________2008 - 2018______________

Old Glory Baseball League Forum
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out of touch

Jimi... Pat and I will be leaving for Omaha for most of a week on early Thursday morning. I will try to set my team before I leave and make sure that I have only 3 2X pitchers for the big week six. HOWEVER, if there are rain outs etc. I would give you "power of Attorney" to keep me legal as I may not be able to check on the Natives. ***bad time to be on the road, but grand daughters graduations don't tak into account baseball ***

Re: in touch

Hey Bob, I will do whatever you want. You can give me a list (I see 5 at the present) of your week #6 2Xers in the order you prefer.
Don't forget, you can always call me on the phone if you like. Lineups don't lock in until 7:00 ET on Monday!

BTW, whats the answer to your trivia? 2 Indian players who played at the same HS?