Old Glory Baseball League Forum


______________2008 - 2018______________

Old Glory Baseball League Forum
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I'll Show You!

You've all heard about the player who gets released and is a little pissed about it. It can happen in Fantasy Baseball too!
Earlier this week in the OGBL, on May 7th, Air Force 1 released Eric Stults and signed Mitchell Boggs, who was then released May 9th to sign Dave Bush.
Anyway, later on the 9th Stults goes out and throws a CG Shutout for a 25 point game.
Do you think the Fantasy Baseball Gods had anything to do with this?

Full Cycle

It didn't take long for Air Force 1 to get Stults back onto their roster. It appears that the 25 point game got him back into the OGBL after a two day absence.